Monday, August 29, 2005

Seven Years 17.5

This is really just a tag on to the last part, but important enough to have its own entry. Reread the last part of the last one please...

Nevua 22nd

Lot has happened, mostly bad. Actually, I am hoping things will start turning around, because Link is finally back. He isn’t really like I remember though. He is pretty focused on getting to Gannondorf, but he said he was very worried about me (of course, he didn’t realize he WAS talking to me). I’m worried about Toran though. I get the strangest feelings whenever I’m around him… I mean yeah, I OBVIOUSLY realize he’s good looking, but I get that way around Link too. It’s something more then that; like today when he was washing off his plate I couldn’t help but see him doing that in the little hunting cottage my father used to keep on the edge of the forest, like my home is where he belongs, or vise versa you could say. Honestly, I think I’m in love with Toran. Damn, you sure have a way of making things complicated, don’t you Zelda? Why couldn’t you just fall in love with the guy you’re SUPPOSED to fall for. I mean, Link is the freaking HERO OF TIME, what about that isn’t getting through to me? It’s like-

“Hello, Zelda?”

Shiek nearly screamed as the voice echoed through her head but, after the initial shock, she realized it must just be the newly awakened Forest Sage. It seemed as though Link must have finished with the Forest Temple, and in only one day. It was very impressive.

“Uh, hey…”

“Oh, I remember you, you’re Shiek too aren’t you? Well, I said I’d see you soon…”


The girl’s giggle answered as well as any words could have. Shiek was more then slightly surprised.

“So I assume Rauru briefed you on everything that’s been going on?”

“Yes, he is such a smart man; I am very pleased to have met him.”

“And Link?”

“Well, he still comes across kind of strong,” there seemed to be an odd, almost defensive, tone to Saria’s thoughts, “but he’s always had a nice heart underneath it all.”

“Ok… well, thanks for checking in with me, Saria.”

“Oh, my pleasure. I will talk to you soon!” she cut off with a girlish giggle.

After the conversation, Shiek wasn’t able to settle down enough to go to bed. Walking out to the corral, Shiek was surprised to see Malon still up. She was standing in the center of the corral, looking up at the moon, humming the odd little tune that constantly seemed to be running through her mind. Malon hadn’t noticed Shiek, and the young leader was trying to decide if she wanted to go talk to her, when a movement near the edge of the corral caught both girls’ attention.

It was a tallish lanky figure, walking cautiously up from the entrance of the ranch towards the corral. The glowing blue fairy floating above the stranger’s head made him fairly easy to identify.

Link had come to Lon Lon Ranch.

At first, Shiek felt her heart skip a beat. This could be a great opportunity to have a good talk with him. Then she was struck with a horrible thought. Link still thought she was a man, and she couldn’t enlighten him. Malon on the other hand would have no such restrictions on herself. Shiek did not know a single male Malon had not flirted with. In a quick statistical estimate, she realized it was well within Malon’s nature to try and get Link in bed with her for at least one night. Shiek tried desperately to come up with some course of action, but it was too late; Link was walking quickly towards the one person he saw: Malon.

Shiek stealthily weaved her way towards Link and Malon, trying her best not to be seen. Much to Shiek’s surprise, Malon didn’t immediately run to invade Link’s personal space. A hand floated to her mouth and her blue eyes opened wide. Shiek could tell for sure, but she was almost positive that a smile tugged at Link’s mouth.

“Hey, Lon Lon Ranch, right?”

It was the first time she had ever seen Malon off balance. She apparently couldn’t manage to choke out any words, and so nodded dumbly.

“You’re Malon right? Nice night isn’t it?”

“Uh, yeah… I guess…” Malon took a step closer, still staring at him with wide eyes.

“It’s been awhile since I last visited this ranch, how have things been?”

“Not that great actually… Indigo seized the ranch and threw out my father. I have no idea where daddy is, Indigo hurts the horses, he drinks and gets mad, and-” choking back a sob, Malon stepped closer, tears shining in her blue eyes, “and it’s so wonderful to see you again…”

Shiek saw Link’s eyes soften, and his hand reached out, brushing a few strands of red hair away from Malon’s face. Sighing, the hero let his hand fall down again, a sad look in his blue eyes.

“I’ll keep an eye out for your father, Malon, but there are some things I need to take care of. But trust me, things will get better… I swear it.”

With this Link turned and walked away, stopping to look back only once as he reached the ranch door.

Malon sank slowly down on her knees, sitting back onto legs. Her large blue eyes were still staring wide at where Link had last been visible. Slowly Shiek walked up behind her, slightly worried. Malon hadn’t acted like herself at all.

“Uh, Malon… you ok?”

Malon didn’t seem to hear. Her hand had drifted back to her mouth, and Shiek saw a single tear trickle down the brimming eyes.

“He… he came back,” she breathed, more to herself then Shiek. Turning, Malon looked up at Shiek, joy shining through the tears that filled her sky blue eyes.

“Fairy Boy came back Shiek. I knew it! The first time I met him I knew he would save me from this place, and he’s back now!”

“You know Link?” Shiek was more then slightly surprised to find out this out.

“Yeah, but I haven’t seen him in ever so long… it has to have been well over five years…”

Seven to be exact… Shiek thought, still trying to grapple with what had just happened. Sure, Link had to have been around 13 when she’d first met him, but for some reason Shiek had never given thought to his life before they knew each other. Obviously part of that life had included meeting Malon at least once, and they clearly remembered each other. It was odd and frankly slightly disturbing.

Sighing Shiek left Malon, still staring after Link’s long disappeared figure and headed back to the barn. She lay down to sleep, but it took many, many, hours for her to fall asleep

Friday, August 26, 2005

Seven Years part 17

Here is part 17... sorry it end abruptly, but I wanted to get something down... 17.5 will be out soon

Impa nodded and disappeared in her usual flash. As Shiek found herself suddenly alone with Toran, she felt slightly awkward. She knew full well it was because of Link, but was unsure of what to say to break the hanging silence.

“Well, um, we need to get on to Lon Lon if we plan on making it there before morning,” she finally offered. Toran nodded in agreement, but Shiek noticed the absence of verbal more then anything else. Not talking wasn’t like Toran at all.

Let’s just get back to Lon Lon and rest up, that’ll help a lot.

Shiek only allowed herself a few hours of sleep. Link would be arriving at the Forest Temple shortly after dawn, and she needed to be there before he arrived. She and Toran had reached the ranch a few hours before sunup, and had burrowed down into the hay in the far barn Malon had hid them in before. Shiek had waited for Toran to fall asleep, which he did almost before he lay down, and then sat down to catch a little sleep.

Toran was still out like a stone when Shiek roused herself two hours later. Brushing away hay and straightening her clothes, she walked over to her bag of supplies and drew out her harp. Checking once more to make sure her disguise was in place, Shiek strummed a few notes and sent herself to the Forest Temple. The sounds of a Moblin hammer crashing down and Link’s war cry greeted her arrival into the temple courtyard. There had never been Moblins patrolling the labyrinth in front of the temple before, but from the sound of it a virtual army of them must have moved in. Shiek ran to the stairs leading down to the narrow path that led to the maze of hedges, but stopped when she observed the biggest Moblin she had ever seen blocking the path. Its back was to her, but she could tell it was wielding a war club the size of a small tree. And then on the other side of the Moblin she saw Link advance into the path. There was a deadly gleam in his eye as he rushed forward, Master Sword gleaming brightly. Bellowing, the Moblin brought his club down, the shockwave rippling the ground like water. Shiek felt her heart freeze, but her hero apparently was able to think quicker then she had given him credit for. Link did an amazing back flip, jumping over the shockwave and coming to land back on his feet. He somehow had pulled out his hookshot while in the air, and fired it at the Moblin almost before his feet hit the ground. The grapple shot out and connected with the big brute’s forehead. The Moblin shook its head, dazed and confused, and also giving Link the opportunity he needed. Quickly jumping forward, Link lashed out with the legendary Master Sword. Four beautifully smooth strokes delivered with seemingly minimal effort quickly put an end to the Moblin’s Gannondorf-Serving days. It crumpled without even time for a moan.

Shiek was sufficiently impressed.

Thinking quickly, Shiek ducked back into the courtyard and shimmied up one of the trees. Link might be the Hero of Time, but she enjoyed playing with his mind. She watched as he entered the courtyard, sheathing his sword and looking around with a faraway look in his eye. He walked over to a stump that was virtually below her spot on the branch, and looked at down at it, something close to sorrow in his eyes. His hand reached down to trace little patterns on it, before he started whistling a strange quick tune. Deciding it was time, Shiek dropped down behind him.

GAH! Damn, Shiek, I swear, one of these days I’m just gonn’a take your head clean off if you keep that up!”

Grinning wryly, she shrugged, gesturing at the stump.

“Something go down here? You looked kind of introspective…”

“Yeah, this is where Saria and I would come when we were kids and…” stopping, he shook his head, “that’s not important right now… I need to get into this temple.”

Nodding, Shiek proceeded with the lesson she had prepared on the Forest Temple and Link’s introduction to warp songs.

“The flow of time is always cruel, it seems different for each person… one thing that never changes is the memory of friends the times they shared. Listen to the Minuet of the Forest, a song dedicated to childhood memories…”

Cheesy yes, but she was hoping it would let him know that Zelda might have been waiting longer but she still recalled seeing him so many years ago. Shiek pulled out her harp and strummed the first few notes of the Forest Minuet. Link pulled out his flute and followed along for a verse. Raising an eyebrow, Link gave a slightly skeptical look.

“You can use this song to return to this courtyard at anytime,” Shiek explained, “now, go kill some minions for me, ok?”

“You’re not coming with me?” Link asked, obviously slightly miffed.

“Can’t,” she replied, “I have other jobs that can’t wait.”

“Maybe you could have done that last night instead of visiting your girlfriend,” Link said, a bit of a sneer tugging at his mouth.

“Hey! For one I don’t have a girlfriend-”

“Oh yeah, I forgot, you’re gay…”


“Then what’s with all the ‘this gay pansy song is dedicated to friendship, kids, and love’ stuff?”

“Look, whatever, I have to go.”

With that, Shiek threw down a Daku nut to release a blinding flash and crack to hide her exit and quickly rolled to cover. She watched as Link used his hookshot to reach the temple door. As he entered the temple, Shiek couldn’t help feeling aggravation at Link’s antics. He seemed like a nice enough person, but he obviously was obsessing over the whole quest.

I’m sure he’ll snap out of it after everything is done.

It was about midday when Shiek reentered Lon Lon Ranch. Neither Malon nor Indigo was in immediate view, so the young leader hurried to the back of the ranch, looking for her last remaining soldier. Rounding the barn, she noticed him, about twenty yards away.

Toran was in a far corner of the corral yard, running through a katana routine. He had obviously found the afternoon sun to be very hot, because he had shed his shirt and boots, revealing his muscled arms and glistening torso as he whirled through complicated array of slashes, defensives maneuvers, even kicks and hand jabs. His brownish blond hair whipped around dramatically, hazel eyes flashing, and watching him now, Shiek realized two things. First, Impa had been right; Toran really was a master swordsman, unequaled by anyone else she had ever seen in action. The second thing was less of a rational thought, and more of a feeling, and it was most certainly not something Impa had told her. Toran might not be as tall as Link, or have the deep blue eyes and bright yellow hair, but in his own way, Toran was extremely good looking. As his athletic body whipped effortlessly through another part of the routine, a feeling she couldn’t name began to run through her. It came to settle deep in her stomach, a burning feeling of desire that actually shocked and confused her.

“Pssst… Shiek over here!” came an urgent whisper. Shiek nearly jumped out of her skin, and looked around wildly for the source of the sound.

“Over here you idiot cross-dresser, behind the crates… hurry before Toran sees you.”

This time she recognized the voice as Malon’s. Ducking behind several large crates near the back of the barn, Shiek found herself next to the ranch girl, who was watching Toran’s practice intently from her hiding spot.

“Malon? What in Din’s name are you doing?”

“What do you think Shiek; I’m enjoying the view, now shut up and watch…”

“How long have you been here?” Shiek asked, a hint of incredulity sneaking into her voice.

“Two totally glorious hours…” she breathed in response, “goddess Shiek, I have no idea how you can say no to him…”

“I just, uh, uh,” Shiek was finding it a hard conversation to focus on; distractions seemed to be plethora.

“And he is so sweet too… just think every ounce of that sleek, toned, mussel would be there solely to protect and save you. He’s considerate, kind, damn good looking-”

“Look, Malon, please just shut up, ok?” Shiek breathed, feeling another wave of heat break over her.

“Sorry, I’ll let you get back the show…”

“Din, this is ridiculous!” Shiek muttered, pushing Malon out of the way and walking towards Toran. Toran spied her before she got too close, and paused from his routine, letting his katana tip rest on the ground. Still breathing heavily, a half smile crossed his face.

“Hey Shiek… what’s up?”

“Not much,” she sank down to sit cross-legged in front of him, “Link is in the Forest Temple now, so we should just wait until I feel the Forest Sage awaken.”

“Feel it?” Toran inquired, sinking down into the same cross leg position across from her.

“Well, I’m actually a sage myself, and all the sages are connected telepathically. So far only two sages are awake and aware of each other, Rauru and myself, and we can talk to each other at any time.”

“Oh, so when the Forest Sage awakens you’ll know who it is?”

“Yup, though I must admit that I’m still hoping that Draq’s voice will be running in my head in a day or two…”

Toran winced slightly, looked like he was trying think up something to say, then finally swallowed.

“Um, yeah, well, I must admit I think the idea of Draq in anyone’s head is kind of scary…”

Shiek laughed, and nodded.

“Yeah, I guess it is…” smiling, Shiek found she was having a hard time concentrating on anything. She then caught herself tracing totally random patterns in the dirt.

What is my problem? She looked back up to Toran who was smiling back with that boyish grin. The smile actually caused a giddy, dizzying, happy sensation to flood her senses.

By Narue, what is wrong with me? We’re just talking, and he’s just a friend… he is he is he is he is… yeah Shiek, keep telling yourself that. You are with LINK not TORAN, so stop acting like Malon for Din’s sake.

“Hey you two!”

Malon’s words ripped Shiek out of her thoughts and back to the ranch. Toran also seemed to be leaving the world of his mind and crashing back into reality as he looked up and smiled at the red haired beauty.

“Malon! I was wondering where you were at… I haven’t seen you since this morning.”

“Oh, I’ve been around,” she replied, traces of a wicked smile playing at her mouth.

And seen a lot more of you then you have of her, Shiek added mentally, biting back the sarcastic retort. She was surprised at the stab of jealousy that the idea of Malon watching Toran workout for a few hours caused.

“So, you guys going to be around for a bit?” Malon asked, flopping down next to them.

“Well, I guess so…” Shiek replied, glancing at the sky, “Impa knows we are here, and there’s not really any point in leaving.”

“You sure there nothing left for us to do?” Toran inquired, “Gannondorf made some major advances yesterday. Maybe we should be doing something.”

“Like what?” Shiek retorted, slightly harsher then she meant, “go down to Zora Fountain and thaw the ice? Storm the Fire Temple and kill the dragon? Or maybe we should just cut the chase and kill Gannondorf ourselves.” She knew there was no real reason to yell at Toran for the state of things, but she had been hoping to give Link a slightly better account of the time she had spent in his absence. Toran gave her an odd look that was something of a mixture between surprise and offence.

“Uh, Shiek, is something wrong?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No, sorry Toran… just getting a little depressed at how things have moved out of our league,” she sighed, shoulders slumping. Malon was obviously in the dark, her blue eyes betraying a totally lost look.

“So, um, you will you guys be hanging around for dinner then?” she asked, trying to bring the conversation back to something she understood.

“How about it, boss,” said Toran, cocking an eyebrow at Shiek.

“Yeah, if you have some extra food Malon…”

“Of course! You guys are nearly family now, so anything that’s mine is yours…”

As Toran began to chat back, politely engaging Malon in small talk, Shiek found herself staring off at nothing. A thousand thoughts were clambering for prominence in her mind. Link, her mission, the next step, Toran, Impa; everything seemed to demand immediate and full attention. Shiek smiled and nodded at a question from Malon without really hearing it. She seriously needed to write in her journal…

Toran was asleep not far from her in the hayloft. Malon had given quite the knowing smirk when she had left the two for the night, and Shiek was just about ready to follow through on her promise to string the ranch girl up by her hair. Sighing, Shiek dipped her pen into the ink and started writing.

Nevua 22nd

Lot has happened, mostly bad. Actually, I am hoping things will start turning around, because Link is finally back. He isn’t really like I remember though. He is pretty focused on getting to Gannondorf, but he said he was very worried about me (of course, he didn’t realize he WAS talking to me). I’m worried about Toran though. I get the strangest feelings whenever I’m around him… I mean yeah, I OBVIOUSLY realize he’s good looking, but I get that way around Link too. It’s something more then that; like today when he was washing off his plate I couldn’t help but see him doing that in the little hunting cottage my father used to keep on the edge of the forest, like my home is where he belongs, or vise versa you could say. Honestly, I think I’m in love with Toran. Damn, you sure have a way of making things complicated, don’t you Zelda? Why couldn’t you just fall in love with the guy you’re SUPPOSED to fall for. I mean, Link is the freaking HERO OF TIME, what about that isn’t getting through to me? It’s like-

“Hello, Zelda?”

Shiek nearly screamed as the voice echoed through her head but, after the initial shock, she realized it must just be the newly awakened Forest Sage. It seemed as though Link must have finished with the Forest Temple, and in only one day. It was very impressive.

“Uh, hey…”

“Oh, I remember you, you’re Shiek too aren’t you? Well, I said I’d see you soon…”


The girl’s giggle answered as well as any words could have. Shiek was more then slightly surprised.

“So I assume Rauru briefed you on everything that’s been going on?”

“Yes, he is such a smart man; I am very pleased to have met him.”

“And Link?”

“Well, he still comes across kind of strong,” there seemed to be an odd, almost defensive, tone to Saria’s thoughts, “but he’s always had a nice heart underneath it all.”

“Ok… well, thanks for checking in with me, Saria.”

“Oh, my pleasure. I will talk to you soon!” She cut off with a girlish giggle.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Seven Years Part 16, and 16.33 and part 16.66

Hey everybody... one of the longer entries, thought you all earned it. Here it is!

Shiek was jogging back across Hyrule Plain, along the by now very low Zora River, trying to decided where she needed to head next.

She needed to report to Impa about the ice problem, she needed to see how Toran was doing in Gordon City, and she needed to catch Link before he actually got inside the Forest Temple. All three objectives lay more or less in the direction of the village, so that was the direction she had decided on. The sun had set soon after she had left the frozen waste of Zora Fountain, and Shiek was betting she would arrive in the village around midnight. She wondered where Link was operating out of, and wished she still had the cave to offer him; Keef had picked a very inconvenient time to stumble onto their hideout.

The jog to the village was entirely uneventful, and Shiek hit the village within her estimate. Absorbed with her thoughts about Link, Shiek lost her normal awareness of her surroundings. As she crossed the bridge over Zora River to the village entrance, Shiek ran smack into the last person she had expected to encounter: Indigo, owner and head of Lon Lon Ranch.

The short, thin, man was leading a large horse by the reins, and Shiek figured he must have been returning from attempting to sell it in the village. He weasel-like eyes narrowed as Shiek quickly dodged out of his way. It had been many years since Shiek had last seen the ranch owner, but she noticed her impression that Indigo looked like a skinny overgrown rat was still accurate. He was obviously in a bad mood, grumbling under his breath as he brushed by her.

“Stupid drunk…” Indigo muttered, more to himself then her, “I turned that ranch into the respected establishment it is now… it’s mine by Gannondorf’s order… why do I even bother with that worthless louse of a drunk Talon… besides, you’d think Gannondorf could pay for all the beer that sluggard downs, he needs me in that ranch after all…”

Shiek watched as Indigo swung into the saddle of the horse, still grumbling. Without so much as a word to her, he headed off in the direction of the ranch at a quick clip.

Ok, THAT was random, Shiek thought, staring after the cold-blooded Indigo. Shrugging she turned and headed into the village.

As expected, no one was actually about at one in the morning. Reaching a tree near the center of the village, Shiek noticed a tall lanky figure strolling towards the entrance gate. His path would bring him right by her, so Shiek slipped behind the tree to wait for the stranger to draw near. As he approached, Shiek felt her heart skip a beat. It was Link! Maybe she would have some alone time with after all. Waiting until Link had just past her, Shiek jumped out behind him. He looked so cute when he whirled around, all dramatic in his “god of righteous vengeance” pose.

“Shiek! What the hell are you trying to do? Do you want me to cut your head off?”

Laughing lightly, Shiek took a step closer to him and crossed her arms.

“You might not find me so easily beaten, hero. I am a feared warrior too you know.”

“Whatever,” Link said shrugging again. Holding up a small strange object, he looked questioningly at Shiek, “this hookshot thing I got off of Dampe’s ghost, is this what I need to get into the Forest Temple?”

Shiek gazed in wonder at the ancient object. The small half magical half mechanical tool had been fashioned by the earliest of the Hylian alchemists, and no one had ever been able to duplicate it. It was indeed what he would need to enter the temple.

“Yeah, this is what I sent you here for,” Shiek said whishing that she had such an item too.

“Great, then I guess I’ll be seeing you,” Link said turning to head for the village gate.

“You aren’t headed to the temple right now, are you?”

“Um, yeah?” the sapphire eyes glanced back at her as though it was the dumbest question he had ever heard.

“It’s the middle of the night Link!”

“Suppose I should be sleeping, huh? Well, no thanks… I’m already seven years behind cleaning up somebody else’s mess…” he paused, then gave Shiek a critical glace, “and why are you out here again? I think I missed that part…”

“I came out here to check on a friend,” she said gesturing towards the entrance to Death Mountain.

“Wish I had time for that, but some of us have jobs to do,” Link replied, a harsh edge to his sarcasm for the first time.

“Link,” Shiek began, feeling a blush creep across her face under her mask, “this is a close friend of mine who might be in danger…”

“You think my friends aren’t in danger?” Link exploded, an angry flush sweeping over his face. Shiek was visibly taken aback, and Link’s deep blue eyes softened somewhat.

“Sorry Shiek… it’s just I haven’t seen her in seven years and I’m worried sick. I shouldn’t snap at you though, you’re doing the right thing for you…” sinking into a squatting position he stared glumly into space, “I dreamed about her for seven years, and I don’t even have time to look for her. Honest man, this hero gig sucks bad…”

Shiek looked down at him and felt a surge of countless emotions. Link was worried about her! It was wonderful. It was also sickening, because Link wasn’t really worried about Shiek, he was worried about Princess Zelda, and she couldn’t let him know she was standing right there next to him. Giving a weak smile, Shiek sought to say something helpful.

“Look, Link, I’m sure everyone you’re worried about is fine. A guy like you hangs out with resourceful people, right? They’d find a way to lay low or stay alive even under Gannondorf’s very nose…”

Shrugging, Link rose to his feet.

“Whatever man… Look, I really need to get on with this, so see you around, ok?”

Part of Shiek wanted to grab Link and pull him down next to her again. To rip off her ludicrous disguise and tell him she was alright. To press herself into his arms and never let him go. But part of her couldn’t, and so she wavered, and in that moment he was gone. She was saddened that he had left, but then Impa’s words came back to her.

Link was born to fight, as was your friend Draq… I’m afraid you might be falling for someone who is not what you think…

Shiek shook her head to clear it. Link was right; he had to stay focused on defeating Gannondorf, and when that was done things could settle down. It wasn’t like he was destined to led the solitary life of a hero forever, just until he had awakened the sages and she had sealed away the vile wizard.

Yeah, just like that. Right? Right…

But it didn’t really feel right at all…


Toran exited Gordon City around midnight. He had spent several hours combing the large carven for survivors of the attack, but it seemed that Draq was every bit as thorough under mind control as he was under his own judgment. Looking out over the cliff to the lights of the village far below at the foot of the mountain, Toran felt a stab of despair. Gordon City had been the last bastion in every worse case scenario. Zora kingdom falling, village controlled, Greudo nation turning to Gannondorf, their plans had always ended with holding up in the fortress that was Gordon City and preparing for siege. But that was shot to piece now. Gordon City was a ghost town, and its former inhabitances were about to be fed to a very hungry dragon. Toran had to hand it to Gannondorf; he sure knew how to hit where it hurt the most.

As he overlooked the sleeping village, Toran became aware of a presence behind him. Given that an enemy would have rushed him by now, it wasn’t hard induce who the person might be.

“Now what Impa…” he murmured, still giving over the village, melancholy in his voice, “Gannondorf was able to take our stronghold…”

“And this makes you doubt?” her tone was level, voice soft as she remained behind him.

“That fortress was are last hope Impa,”

He felt her hand rest on his shoulder, and glanced back at her. Her large violet eyes looked him square in the face, and her voice held the sound of steel.

“The outcome of a war does not depend of how many castles one has, or how many men fill the ranks, but rest solely what manner of men fight. I would rather storm Gannondorf’s tower with Toran the Swordsman at my side then sit inside it with every Moblin and Dark Knuckle in Hyrule at my call if it meant he was my foe.”

Toran felt his heart rise at Impa’s words. It was ludicrous and insane, but for some reason Impa’s words made sense. He couldn’t help a wry from spreading over his face as he looked back at the last Shiekah Hyrule would ever know.

“I might just take you up on that someday, Impa…”

“The offer is always open, Toran,” she replied, letting an uncharacteristic smile play at her lips in response.

“The city is totally sacked,” Toran said, returning to the subject at hand as he turned back to the path down the mountain, “there’s no point in searching for survivors, I already swept the caves and known hiding spots. There is no one left.”

Impa nodded, falling in step behind him.

The two walked in silence for a bit each absorbed in their own thoughts. Toran kept coming back what Impa had told him. Dark and stoic, Impa was not overly given compliments; she was also one of Toran’s secret idols. Her words meant a great deal to him. After thinking along this line for a bit, Toran decided to break the silence with something he had always wanted to do, but had always been afraid of; ask Impa directly for advice on an issue. She had always seemed to high and lofty above him that he never had wanted to bother her with his little issues, but after tonight he felt she was telling him that he had earned enough respect to converse more as equals.

“Impa, there’s something I’ve been wondering about…”

His words seemed to jar her out of some inner world of thoughts because she almost started in surprise.

“What? Oh, um, yes?”

Toran felt a flush run across his face, and was glad the dark hid it so well from Impa. Now that he had actually started the conversation, he felt foolish over the topic. After hesitating for bit, he stumbled on.

“I know you’re really close to Shiek, and that she looks up to you a lot, almost like a mother, and I was just wondering,” he paused, taking a moment to work up some courage, “what you thought of the two of us… like together I mean…”

It sounded as thought Impa sighed, and she most certainly avoided looking directly at Toran.

“Well, Toran,” she began, and from the uncommon hesitancy in her tone, Toran could tell she was picking he words carefully, “to be honest, nothing would afford me more joy then to see you and Shiek strengthen your friendship, moving to the next level as it were, and I have done my best to sway her in that direction. However, you should know that Link, the Hero of Time, has returned to Hyrule just today, and Shiek has always held a place for him in her heart.”

Toran nearly fell over in shock. Not only was Impa in favor of his desire, but had even thrown her weight in behind it. He also was more then slightly disappointed to hear her confirm his fears; Shiek would probably never be swayed from Link’s side, especially now that he was here.

“Maybe it’s for the best though, I mean, he’s a legend after all and I’m just a punk. Link will be able to give her a much better life then I would.”

“That would not be a huge issue,” Impa said in what seemed to be a reassuring voice, “neither of you would be providing that much…”

“You mean because she’s the princess right?”

Starting, Impa turned and grabbed Toran’s shoulders.

“What did you say?”

“I just thought that you might have been saying since Shiek is really Princess Zelda that it doesn’t matter who hooks up with her because she is rich,” Toran explained, thrown off balance by Impa’s reaction.

“How did you know that?” she asked, with almost a harsh hint to her voice.

“Well, it wasn’t that hard to figure out,” he replied, thinking it might be best to cover for Shiek, “I mean, missing princess sought by vile tyrant, rebel girl who pretends to be male so no one will find her… you do the math…”

Impa considered this for a few moments, then nodded thoughtfully.

“You are insightful young Toran… perhaps too insightful,” she added with a wry grin. Turning back towards the village, she released his shoulder and started walking again. Toran kept pace, wondering if he was expected to say anything. As they reached the foot of the mountain and the village, he decided to at least offer some reassurance.

“Hey don’t worry Impa… I know Shiek secret is very important, for a lot of reasons. I would never say something that would cause word to reach Gannondorf oh where the last of the royals could be found.”

Impa smiled slightly and nodded. It was obvious there was no one else’s hands she would rather put Shiek into.


Shiek ran into the two people she was looking for near the entrance to the path up Death Mountain.

“How are things at Gordon City guys?” she asked as soon as they were close enough to talk quietly; no sense in cause panic among the villagers.

“Bad,” replied Toran in the same hushed tones, “we might want to let the Zoras know they don’t have to come… there’s nothing left up there.”

“Well, that’s my bad news,” Shiek replied, not surprised that things were lost in Gordon City, “The Zoras won’t be coming to Death Mountain, or this village, or anywhere until something drastic is done. The entirety of Zora Fountain, complete with all its inhabitances, is frozen under the ice.”

“What! Gannondorf doesn’t know any spells like that!” Toran cried, shock plain on his face.

“There is an old Shiekah spell that we used to preserve food by freezing it,” Impa explained, “augmented by the Triforce of Power it could produce effects similar to the ones Shiek describes.”

“Shiekah spell…” Shiek whispered.

“Boy, Keef sure gets around,” Toran growled, cracking his knuckles.

“There is some good news though,” Shiek went on, “Link is already on his way to the Forest Temple to awaken the first sage. If we can hold out just a little longer the seven sages will come together and seal the vile king away for good.”

“So what do we do in the mean time?” Toran asked. Shiek wasn’t entirely sure, but she thought she picked up a twinge of jealous frustration in his tone.

“I will go to Zora Fountain and see if there is anything I can do. You two should probably find a spot to lay low until this is over,” Impa said crossing her arms and obviously waiting for the protests she knew would follow.

“Impa,” Shiek felt a flare go off in her mind, “if you think I’m gonna sit back and wait the most critical stage of the battle out you’re more insane then Keef! It would be an insult to Draq, Scela, Plarth, and everyone else that gave their lives for my resistance.”

Impa couldn’t hide the proud smile that swept her face, and Shiek felt like she had finally won her guardian’s full approval. It was a good feeling.

“Very well then. I have many things I need to see to, but you two cannot help me. Princess, do what you must, but please be careful. Toran, I leave the guarding of her highness in your very capable hands. Right now though I order both of you back to a safe place for rest. It has been a very long day for all of us.”

Shiek was going to protest, but felt her legs scream their agreement with Impa. She had run all over Hyrule, fought Keef to the death, and run all over Hyrule again, and Toran looked positively wiped. It had been a busy day after all, she was forced to admit.

“Ok, we’ll go to Lon Lon. Be careful Impa, please… I don’t want to lose you so close to the end.”

Impa nodded and disappeared in her usual flash. As Shiek found herself suddenly alone with Toran, she felt slightly awkward. She knew full well it was because of Link, but was unsure of what to say to break the hanging silence.

“Well, um, we need to get on to Lon Lon if we plan on making it there before morning,” she finally offered. Toran nodded in agreement, but Shiek noticed the absence of verbal more then anything else. Not talking wasn’t like Toran at all.

Let’s just get back to Lon Lon and rest up, that’ll help a lot.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Not Seven Years, but hey....

This goes out to all of us.... dedicated to everyone one could say

Someone falls to pieces
Sleepin all alone
Someone kills the pain
Spinning in the silence
To finally drift away

Someone gets excited
In a chapel yardCatches a bouquet
Another lays a dozenWhite roses on a grave

To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do

Someone finds salvation in everyone
And another only fame
Someone tries to hide themself
Down inside their selfish brain

Someone swears his true love
Untill the end of time
Another runs away

Separate or united?
Healthy or insane?

To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do

To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do

You can be fading up
And pulled apart
Or been in love
Every single memory of
Could have been faces of love

Dont lose any asleep tonight
I'm sure everything will end up alright
You may win love

But to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do

Monday, August 01, 2005

Seven Years part 15.5

No comment... I will say though that I think this is one of the best sections so far

Toran darted into Gordon City using as much stealth as his quick pace could afford. So far the massive cavern that severed as the home for the entire Gordon race seemed completely empty. Normally one couldn’t walk ten paces into the city before been hoarded by a gang of Gordons asking about the latest news and offering massive hugs.

The second level of the cavern was as empty as the first, and the third was similarly uninhabited. However, as he walked around the ledge overlooking the fourth and bottom floor, Toran heard voices floating up through the cave.

“Where is he?” the harsh question was followed by the sound of a whip cracking harshly. It was the same voice that Toran had heard outside the team’s hideout: the Dark Knuckle. The whip crack was punctuated by the scream of a Gordon, obviously a young child from the sound of its voice. Toran felt his blood run hot at the idea of a child been beaten. It had happened many times in his rough childhood, and he had long ago promised he would never let someone harm a child in his presence.

Placing his hands on the railing around the drop to the lower floor, Toran quick vaulted the fence and dropped to the basement. Glancing around quickly, he saw a small Gordon child curled into a ball in one corner of the room. A Lizardman was standing over him holding cruel whip, and the Dark Knuckle stood slightly to the left, arms crossed over its chest. In addition to the three living people in the room, the floor was scattered with the bodied of Gannondorf’s minions, members of Plarth’s team, and a few Gordon corpses. Obviously the final and most heated parts of the battle had happened in the lower levels.

“Hey, Lizardface, why don’t you pick on someone who can actually fight back,” Toran challenged, striding forward. Both heads jerked around, and a deep rumble of a laugh flowed from the Dark Knuckle.

“Kill the fool,” the large knight sneered, jerking its head towards Toran. The Lizardman gave a loud cry and leapt at Toran, slashing out with its short sword. Toran easily dodged the stroke, ducking to his left to avoid the blade. He quickly shot out his right foot, connecting with the Lizardman’s unguarded side. The Lizardman stumbled off balance, giving Toran the opportunity he wanted. Drawing his Katana and whirling, Toran put the force of his spin into a vicious slash. In response to the Lizardman’s shriek of pain, Toran reversed motion and brought his sword up in a counter slash. There was a tug on his sword arm as the minion slid off the blade to ground, spilling black blood onto the floor.

“I figured as much…” the Dark Knuckle commented, grabbing the handle of its long axe, and swinging it above its head, “I wondered how long it would be before this happened.”

Toran readied his katana and took a cautious step back, falling into his normal stance. The Dark Knuckle was whirling the massive axe around his head and body as though it were a toothpick. It began to slowly but steadily advance, keeping its axe in constant motion.

Toran felt like cursing. His massive opponent was not only strong and fast, but apparently well trained and very practiced. Plan, plan, plan… need a freaking good plan NOW… ran through his head as he backed up, trying to keep space between himself and the whirling axe. He knew he was faster, and had a lighter weapon, both of which hypothetically gave him an edge. But as he watched the large deadly black axe whipping around with bone-crunching power, he wondered just how much stock he placed in his speed. Toran felt the wall against his back. Realizing he had just run out of room, Toran kicked his mind into overdrive. Rushing at the Dark Knuckle, Toran ducked at the last second, feeling the axe cut through the air just inches above his head in a powerful level sweep. He was too close to slash, but lunging up Toran drove his shoulder into the knight’s lower chest. The heavy armor absorbed the blow, but it did cause the Dark Knuckle to stumble backwards a pace or two. Toran pressed his slight advantage, giving a quick stroke with his katana, aimed for the knight’s midsection.

The blow never hit the target.

The big knight must have seen the move coming, because he moved the pole of his axe perfectly blocking fast stroke. Driving his knee quickly upwards, the Dark Knuckle connected squarely with Toran’s now unprotected stomach. Swinging its axe around quickly, it clubbed Toran right in the jaw with the haft of its axe, sending him flying backwards. Toran hit the ground and skid for several feet. Cursing he pushed himself onto his elbows shacking his head quickly to clear it. Bounding up, he tired a different approach that had worked against Moblins for him in the past. The Dark Knuckle was obviously faster and a better fighter then any Moblin, but he still was relying on power to win the fight.

It took exactly four strokes on Toran’s part to realize the new attack wasn’t going to work either. Two parries and another axe haft to the jaw later, Toran found himself in the exact same position, standing dazedly up after a vicious knock-back. It was as though the Dark Knuckle knew his combat style and every move like he had trained for it everyday. All of Toran carefully trained strokes were blocked as though he telegraphed them three moves in advance. Rolling to his feet for a forth time, Toran began to from a new strategy. How could he grab the Gordon child and get out of the cave before the Dark Knuckle killed both of them?

And it was then, thinking about the terrain rather then his opponent, that Toran saw the Dark Knuckle’s mistake.

It wasn’t even a real mistake. The Dark Knuckle was standing close to the wall, axe level in front of him, ready for Toran’s next attack. It was then that Toran noticed the two bomb flowers growing on the wall to either side of his big opponent. Bomb flowers were not as powerful as the refined bombs the Gordons turned them into, but they still produced quite a blast. Reversing his grip on the katana, Toran quickly threw it at the bomb flower closer to the Dark Knuckle. It jerked back, and looked surprised for the first time in the fight; obviously, it had not expected Toran to throw his weapon. It ducked to the left to avoid the blade, but failed to see that it had not been the target for the throw.

The explosion that followed soon enlightened it.

Toran saw the whole seen in an odd slow-motion sort of way. Fire exploding from the bomb, the force of the blast knocking the Dark Knuckle through the air and skidding across the floor. The way it ripped the breastplate and right arm guards right off his body, the way the helmet blew off causing its dark lank hair to fly around. The whole scene took an eternity to unfold. Grabbing the fallen Lizardman’s short sword, Toran walked towards the fallen Dark Knuckle. It had pushed itself to one knee, back towards him, and Toran could see it shaking its dark haired head in confusion. Then the knight twisted to look over its shoulder at him, and Toran’s heart froze.

Sweat and dirt caked the face, blood tricked from the sharp nose, and there was an uncharacteristically confused look in the steely grey eyes, but it was still obviously him.


Now that he saw the face, Toran remembered where he had heard the voice before. He had heard it every day of his life for almost ten years. Small wonder the Dark Knuckle had known his every move; he had witnessed Toran train for nearly half a decade.

“Toran! What’s wrong? Where the hell is Shiek?”

Toran felt the sword slip from his nerveless grasp. Everything in his body and mind seemed to shut off.

“Toran? What is going on here?”

What was going on here? Seemingly back from the dead and helping to slaughter an entire race was none other then fearless warrior for good and protector of the innocent, Draq; moreover, he didn’t seem to have a clue as to anything that was happening.

“Draq, look at yourself…” Toran was finally able get out.

Draq glanced down at the massive steel gauntlet on his hand and started. As he looked at the rest of his Knuckle armor, a strange panicked look came into his grey eyes. Sitting back onto his legs, Draq stared down at his hands, and Toran could have sworn he saw tears in the big axe-man’s eyes.

“N-no… oh Narue, anything but this…” Draq breathed. His grey eyes looked pleadingly up at Toran, a strange desperation in his voice, “Please, Toran, what happened?”

“I, uh, have no idea… Last time anyone saw you, you were saving Shiek’s life outside the Forest Temple from the Phantom Gannondorf. We all thought you had died…”

A look somewhat like someone coming out of a deep sleep crept into Draq’s eyes, like he was remembering something buried deep in his mind.

“I threw Shiek out of the courtyard…” he began, speaking slowly as the images came back to him, “I remember I was going to try to slow down the thing and let her escape… I fought it for a little bit, but it wasn’t long before I took a blast to chest. I remember it burned worse then anything. I went down, but it didn’t kill me… No, it was those two witches who raised Gannondorf, the Greudo ones, they were there…” his voice trailed off, realization suddenly burning in his eyes.

“What?” asked Toran, already guessing the answer, “What did they do to you?”

Draq didn’t respond. Rising to his feet, he walked over to the wall where the remaining bomb flower was growing. All color had drained from his face, and his eyes held immense pain.

“Draq!” exclaimed Toran, becoming worried, “what are you doing?”

“They did something to me, Toran…” his head drooped, his icy eyes falling to the ground, “they put me in that suit, and I couldn’t control myself anymore. I did whatever they wanted…” his face lifted to look back into Toran’s, pain still etched on his sharp features, “they took me back to the courtyard and I killed…” his voice trailed off, head drooping again. Toran realized where this was going; Draq had been under some form of mind control, and had butchered his own brother while in that state. It would no doubt be a terrible realization for anyone to have, but for the protective minded warrior devastating. Instantly Toran got a flash of what Draq’s plan was. Straightening, Draq clinched his armored fist and glared at the bomb flower, confirming Toran’s fear. At that range without protection, the blast would undoubtedly kill Draq.

“Draq! No! You can’t do that!” Toran cried, extending his hand as he took a step closer.

“Back away Toran, I don’t want the blast to kill you,” Draq barked, a look of complete loss in his eyes.

“You won’t kill me Draq, you’re not like that!” Toran protested, taking another step towards Draq.

“I’m not? I almost did it just a few seconds ago, and I chopped my brother into fish bait! Don’t think I won’t do it!”

“That wasn’t you Draq; it was Gannondorf using your body… come on, we need you. Keef betrayed us, Plarth’s team is gone… if you blow us up here then it’s just Shiek and Impa! You can’t do this!”

Toran could see the battle in Draq’s eyes, but he really doubted Draq had it in him to kill the two of them. Draq stared back at him for a moment, when suddenly burning rage flared into his grey eyes. Screaming in frustration, Draq’s arm lashed out to the wall. For one awful moment, Toran knew he was going to die. Closing his eyes Toran waited for the blast to envelop him. He saw the image of Shiek sitting in the cave flicking her bangs.

Goddess, I swear if I ever see her again I’m gonn’a kiss first and ask permission later…

He heard a vicious crack, but the blast never followed. Opening his eyes, Torn saw Draq shaking with emotion, his clenched fist smashed against the wall just inches from the flower.

“I’m not going back Toran,” Draq said, letting his arm fall to his side, “I couldn’t face any of them…”

“Where will you go?” Toran asked, realizing there was no way to make Draq stay if he felt he had to go. Toran held his surprise in check as he saw the first tear he had ever seen fall from Draq’s eye trickle slowly down the outside of his face.

“I don’t know… I have to leave Hyrule. But first I am going into the Fire Temple and fixing at least some of the damage I did. And no Toran,” he finished, cutting off Toran before he even had a chance to speak, “you are not coming with me.”

Toran made to protest, but Draq waved a dismissive hand.

“Don’t start kid, I made this mess, and I’m going to clean it up. Besides, you know as well as I do that nine out of ten people never make it out of a temple they walk into, and you have a princess to win.”

Toran started, surprise in his eyes.

“You knew Shiek was a princess?”

“I was speaking metaphorically,” Draq shrugged, “but it doesn’t surprise me to find out she’s some kind of Shiekah princess… You were a wonderful comrade Toran, please don’t tell Shiek and Malon about this. It’s better they think I’m dead…”

Toran made to protest a second time, but Draq was already running into the Gordon City throne room and the secret entrance to the Fire temple. Feeling tears form in his own eyes, the young warrior turned to go his way. He had a feeling he would not see Draq again for a very long time; not until the tall warrior felt he had redeemed himself for what he had done.

He could only hope they would cross paths again.