Thursday, February 02, 2006

Before there was Light Pics

(left) Impa shortly before Gannondorf's rebelion (found at

(right) Young Princess Zelda as Shiek (found in the new posts at

(Above) One of Impa's Shiekah friends whos name I forget but is in the next section (found in

(Above top) Lord Fiate, Queen Julia, and guess who (also found at elfwood; doesn't fit my story exactly since Seven Years clearly states Julia died in childbirth, but it still a cool pic)

Sorry for the haphazard way this looks, but it was my first time trying to put up images.... maybe Sarah will make it look nice later or something ;-)



Blogger Leeann said...

Me is confused over Zelda's eye color - I thought they were naturally blue but red in disguise, so what gives, was she trying brown contacts because she wants to be cool like me ;)

10:03 PM  
Blogger Czar said...

Zelda's natural eye color is blue... Her Shiek eyes are only red via magic shielding. She could have experimented with a reddish brow before adopting a more Shiekah red when she grew older.

Eyes are funny, no? Sarah's are green like the poisen she uses in the spy world... Mine are brown normally, but turn green when I become angry, depressed, or am, uh, very pleased with Sarah. And then Leeann, the only pure one, has pretty brown eyes. I have decided brow eyes are the color of innocents.... um... but that just a round about way of saying you're right Shiek's eyes are normally red and Zelda's are always blue...

4:13 PM  

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