Monday, April 04, 2005

Seven Years part the third

Sorry for it been so short again, but the next segment isn't transfered yet. Look for an update later in the week. Plus, I actually DO have a life, and was kept from finishing the typing by worthy goals... like, um, partying... At any rate, I have found this format isn't the best for this kind of work, but it's alright... just remember that I reply to your comments directly and not here. And now for the long awaited introduction of the Iron Maiden...

Toran stood up and retied his green headband. Slinging his katana over his shoulder in a fluid motion, Toran turned to the cave entrance.
“I’m going to make sure Draq is doing ok… we wouldn’t want our best axe-man to get hurt gathering gaming money.”
Shiek nodded, though she had doubts as to whether Draq spent his extra money on games. As Toran exited the cave, Shiek heard him give a startled greeting. Shiek sighed. Only one person would have elicited such a response.

“You are hurt.” Impa didn’t miss much, even if she rarely showed visible reactions.
“Scela says I’ll be fine.”
“How were you hurt?”
Why does her voice always have to sound so cold? Shiek thought, tears threatening to spill out under Impa’s stern gaze. It’s like she cares more about the incident and the fact that I am cut up then the actual pain I might be in…
“I said, HOW were you hurt?”
“I was hit by a Skultiod…”
Impa raised a questioning dark eyebrow.
“We were… well, I mean to say I…” Shiek sighed and felt her whole body slump inward. Impa really was going to kill her.
“I led the team to the Spirit Temple…”

“The Spirit Temple! You went into the Spirit Temple! Forgive my displeasure, princess, but that was MOST unwise…”

Shiek couldn’t bring herself to look back at Impa. But then, she already knew exactly how her guardian would look right now. Her eyes would be burning with reproach and disappointment, even as the rest of her face remained completely emotionless. Her arms would be crossed over her chest as her tall frame stood ramrod straight. Shiek let an eye drift up and then dropped it quickly. Her imagination had been quite correct.

“I agreed to let you engage in light resistance work, not storm Gannondorf’s childhood home. What were you doing in the Temple?”
Shiek felt her face begin to flush with a mixture of shame and wounded pride. Trying to push down her feelings, she looked back up at Impa.
“All of the Sages have been accounted for except the Forest and Spirit Sages. I thought we might find something in the Temple to help us-”
“The Sages will awaken when the time is right, not before.”
Impa held up a hand to silence her.
“Enough. You were injured tonight. You cannot take risks like that, princess. What good will the destruction of Gannondorf accomplish if you are dead?”
Fire danced in Shiek’s eyes as she responded.
“If I don’t stand in his way there will not BE a Hyrule to save! My group has kept the village safe, turned the Greudos away from Gannondorf, and helped defend the Zora and Gordon nations! Impa, you must see that if I don’t stop him from sweeping the world then Link might arrive too late!”

Impa’s eyes softened. She reached out a hand and placed it on her ward’s shoulder.
“So like your father…” she murmured, more to herself then Shiek. Recomposing herself, Impa spoke firmly to the princess in hiding.
“Princess Zelda, I must plead with you to be careful, for it is my duty to say such things. But know that I appreciate the great work your small band has done. Doubtless it will become an essential part of the legend of the Hero of Time. But that is not why I came. The real reason I came tonight was to tell you I must go, and that I might not return. Gannondorf has broken an ancient seal of the Shiekah people that had kept a dark power at bay. I must travel to the Shadow Temple to reestablish the seal. You must NEVER follow me there, for only the Hero of Time should enter that dark place, and it is unlikely that anyone else, even I, shall ever leave the thick shroud that covers it. Princess, swear to me that you will never enter that foul place.”

Shiek’s eyes grew wide. This was too much for her to take in at once. The woman who had loved her, protected her, been the mother she had never had, had just told her they might never see each other again.
“Impa, I…” her voice caught. She couldn’t think of a thing to say.
“Please princess, you must survive. Link will return soon, and I need you to be ready for him. I must go now, I cannot delay further.”

Shiek watched Impa’s hand rise and desperately searched for some last word. Tears began to well up inside her, and her vision blurred slightly. She leaned towards her guardian slightly, hand held out silently pleading to be held.
There was a flash that blinded her, and a small crack. A second later Shiek’s vision returned, and she found herself alone.
“…I love you,” she murmured, sinking to her knees. A single tear trickled down her left cheek, causing a slight stab of pain as it ran over the cut. Choking down her sobs, Shiek wiped her face on her discarded face covering. Taking a ragged breath, she stood up and walked over to the room’s barrel of water.

Shiek had just finished splashing water on her face when Scela entered the room. The young archer noticed Shiek’s slightly bloodshot eyes and gave a sympathetic smile.
“The ol’ Iron Maiden give you a rough lecture?” he joked.
Shiek’s eyes flashed fire.
“Her name is Impa, and she deserves more respect then a punk like you is even CAPABLE of giving!”

Snatching her turban and face covering, Shiek stalked quickly outside, leaving Scela to wonder what exactly he had said that was so wrong.


Blogger Leeann said...

You capture female angst pretty well here... I can't imagine how you got these ideas except for hanging around certain people way too much... hmmmm?

10:37 PM  
Blogger Leeann said...

And what happened to her mom?

10:39 PM  
Blogger Czar said...

Died shortly after Shiek (IE Zelda was born). Her father, of course, was killed by Gannondorf in the hostile take over.

12:28 PM  

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