Friday, June 24, 2005

Seven Years Part 12

I know everyone is probably shocked that there is no 11.5, but thats the way things go... Here's the next part, and I was kind of in a strange fram of mind when I wrote it. Too much Vodka. Grey Goose chilled, but no ice.... only way to fly....

Shiek was aggravated. The paralyzing effects of the medicine had completely worn off, and it had successfully healed her shoulder, cut face, and other miscellaneous scrapes and bruises. The only thing bothering her now was a massive headache, and the fact that she was stuck at the ranch until Toran returned.

Why didn’t I tell him to meet me somewhere? Now I’m stuck here, and Malon is ready to kill me with her bare hands… Shiek thought. The young ranch girl had not shown herself since her heated departure about two hours ago and Shiek had no doubt that Malon was not planning to return anytime soon. Shiek got up and wandered around the hayloft, wondering how to fill the remaining time until Toran returned. She kicked the air experimentally to test how her legs were holding up, and felt a familiar burn flash through her inner thigh. Sitting down, she extended her left leg straight, keeping the right one bent behind her. She held the stretch, leaning forward to grab her left foot. After holding the position for a while, she released the stretch and repeated it with the other leg. After finishing several stretching exercises, Shiek fell into a fighting stance and began to run her fight training exercise. Jabs, hooks, kicks, fujins, raoks; Shiek threw every combat move she knew over and over. Several hours latter, Shiek was breathing hard and filled with pain, but it was the good pain of a hard workout. Slowing her breathing, she jumped up and grabbed an overhanging beam of the low ceiling and began to pull chin-ups.

“So this is how a warrior keeps busy…”

Shiek let herself fall back to the ground, standing about a yard from Malon. The ranch girl was standing looking level into Shiek’s red eyes, some kind of bundle in her arms. Her voice didn’t hold the sharp, accusatory, tone that she had been using earlier. In fact, there was almost a trace of apology in her tone.

“I thought you were supposed to be feeling badly…”
Shiek shrugged, not sure how to respond.
“The medicine that knocked me out wore off, and actually helped heal me up quite a bit.”
“Look, Malon,” Shiek began hesitantly, “about this afternoon-”
“No,” said Malon, setting down the bundle, “we won’t talk about it. I was acting like the little snot that I really am… it wasn’t your fault. Draq is just like that, protecting other from danger… he did what was in his nature to do. There is only one person that is responsible for all this… Gannondorf, that-” Shiek was amazed, wondering where Malon had picked up all the adjectives she was applying to the warlord, “-can rot in the pit. I swear Shiek, I will see him pay for this even if it kills me!”
“Heard that before,” mumbled Shiek under her breath. Looking Malon in the eyes, she spoke with all the certainty she had.
“Draq was the best of friends Malon, I swear to you that I will do everything I can to get him justice.” She gave a sad smile and held out her arms. Malon stepped in and grabbed Shiek back and both began to cry into each other’s hug. Malon squeezed a little tighter when she realized the shaking in Shiek’s body was from sobs. They stood like that for hours, comforting each other in the loss of their close friend.

After the two had cried themselves out, Malon retrieved the bundle and smiled, blue eyes still stained red with tears.
“I brought you some food. I guess I should have let you eat before I lost it on you…”
“No, that’s quite alright… I needed a good cry too…”
“I brought you some new close too… no offence, but yours are kind of ratty,” Malon said, a wry grin pulling at her mouth. Shiek looked down at her Shiekah clothing, and felt obliged to agree. Ripped, tattered, a sleeve cut off, and stained with blood, the outfit was not even worth saving.
“Thanks, Malon…”
“No problem… here, this is older one of mine… I thought it’d look good on you…”
Shiek took the dress and stared at it mutely. She hadn’t worn a dress in seven years, and had almost forgotten what it was like.
“Hurry, get changed and eat so I can do your hair!” Malon said as she breezed towards the door, “and don’t worry, no one will see you… you’ll still be a boy to every one out there. But every girl just needs to feel like a princess now and then.”

You have no idea, Malon… Shiek thought, watching her go.

Shiek slipped off her clothes and scrubbed herself clean some water and soap Malon had left her. The dress was a simple one, but pretty, and still in good condition. Malon was slightly taller then Shiek, and not as thin, but the dress was before the ranch girl had finished growing and developing her figure. It didn’t fit Shiek perfectly, but it felt wonderful. She shook out her long blond hair, glad that she actually took care of it. She had to keep tightly braided and wound up beneath her hat, but every morning after her exercises she had carefully washed and combed the long yellow locks. She ran a hand through it, smiling. It was the most like a girl that she had felt in seven years. Sitting on overturned milk jug, she unpacked her supper on a crate. She was just finishing off the last bits of the meal when Malon returned.
“Oh Shiek! I’ve never seen your hair down before… You look wonderful!” Darting over behind her, Malon began to run her hands through the blond hair.
“I have the perfect idea for this!”

Shiek gave in to letting Malon brush out her hair, and even began to enjoy the relaxing feel of someone playing with her yellow locks. The two began to chat about hair, nails, dresses, and other related things. Malon had nearly finished with Shiek’s hair before the young leader made her slip.
“Thanks Malon. Goddess, this reminds me so much of when my maids spent three hours just combing my hair for my eleventh birthday party at the palace… I hated it at the time, but it feels so wonderful to have you do it now.” The moment the words left her mouth, Shiek knew she was going to have to think fast on her feet.
“The palace?”
“Yeah, uh, see I’m kind of from an aristocratic family. However, most of the Shiekah were wiped out when Gannondorf took power, and those who were not killed immediately were hunted down. Only three of us are left, and we cannot live openly… I mean, I even have to pretend to be a boy.”
“Yeah, I figured actually…”
“You did?” Shiek replied, surprise creeping into her voice.
“Yeah… I mean no offence, but you’re a little too snotty to be anything other then rich at one time or something… but like not in a bad way or anything.”

“Well, how do I look?” Shiek asked, quickly steering the subject into safer waters. She stood up and twirled. The dress came all the way to the floor, was color similar to her eyes, and laced up the back. The sleeves poofed slightly at the arms, tightening just past the elbow and clinging to the skin on her forearm. Malon smiled, and clapped happily.
“You look gorgeous, Shiek… fantastic! Any boy would totally lose it if he saw you now.”
“Speaking of which, I think Toran should be back soon,” murmured Shiek.
“Oh, he is going to flip! You have to play with him… he is sooo cute when he’s nervous!”
“I don’t know Malon. I’m not really good at flirting, like you…”
“Right, and you’re still single… this is your big chance.”
Shiek thought about commenting on the fact that technically was single now too, but decided that might not be wise. As if on cue, the two girls heard someone fumbling with the latch to the door. Toran wandered in, holding a large sack and a slightly pensive look on his face.
“Shiek you’re not gonna believe this, but-” he froze mid-sentence, mouth agape, “uh, Shiek? Is that you?”
Malon was trying her best to look like she was coughing into her hands, but from the speed of the shaking in her shoulders Shiek was willing to bet she was really just cracking up.
“Yeah, since my clothes were so bad, Malon decided to give me some of her old ones till you got back. Did you happen to grab any of my stuff while you were in the cave?”
Toran nodded, still staring in wonder at Shiek. Shiek felt an odd feel spread through her. Toran was obviously entranced by how she looked, and having disguised herself as a male for so many years made it relatively new experience. Toran swallowed hard and tried to answer, but it the only result was a gurgling choking sound. He set the bag down and gestured at it.
“Y-y-yeah… uh, yeah….”
“I did Shiek hair, Toran. Tell me, what do you think?” Malon asked, the hint of a giggle in her voice.
“S-stun-s- great…” Toran replied, stumbling through the words.
“Well, I’ll leave you two to enjoy it for a bit… Shiek, just make sure you take the dress off before you roll in the hay. It might be old, but it’s still a very nice dress.” Malon flounced out, giggling uncontrollably. Sighing, Shiek pulled open the bag and tried to get Toran, who by now had an immense deep red blush, back onto business. Shaking it onto the ground, she sorted through the collection of knives, throwing spikes, and other weapons.

“Why all the hardware?” she asked, finally spying the clothes Toran had brought for the two of them, “it’s not like we’re camping out here or anything.”
“Actually,” began Toran, coughing nervously, “we might want to for a bit…”
He went on to give a quick recount of what he had seen at the cave. Shiek felt her heart sink. The cave had been the one thing she felt had gone perfectly, and now it was gone. Sighing heavily, she fell back onto the bucket she was utilizing for a chair.
“Perfect,” she muttered dejectedly, kicking at the floor.
“I know what you mean… this is a pretty bad knock. And I’m sorry Shiek. I was in such a rush to find you that I didn’t bother to pay enough attention to my tail.”
“No, it’s not your fault Toran…” she shook her head in frustration, “but I swear to Narue that I’m gonna kill Keef. That little punk!”
“Not if I get him first…” Toran replied, a wry grin crossing his face.

Shiek rose to her feet, shaking her head.
“Nope. He’s mine, and that’s a direct order…” sighing again, she looked dejectedly at the pile of Shiekah clothing on the floor. Toran apparently picked up on her thoughts. Reaching out, he took her hand and smiled down into her red eyes.
“Hey, the dress looks great on you. Why don’t you keep it on for a bit?”
“I can’t,” Shiek answered, shaking her head, “there is something at the cave I have to go and get before Gannondorf or Keef find it.”
“Would that be this?” Toran asked, reaching into the pile of clothes to retrieve Shiek’s box.
“Toran! Where did you find this?!” she cried, snatching it away from him.
“Well, I was hiding under your bed this one day-”
“No! I mean yes, but not like that! Remember that one day when Draq wanted to kill me because I had coated his axe handle in honey?”
“I was concerned for my personal safety! Anyway, I saw you pull a box out of the floor and then put it back later… I swear, I never went back into the room again!”
“That had better be the case, Toran.” Shiek said, relaxing slightly.

“Look, point is, I figured you’d want whatever was in the box, so I grabbed it. And I’m glad I did, because I think the crow would go with that dress really well.” Toran cringed as soon as he finished the last part. Shiek felt a flare go off in her mind.
“What?” she asked, her voice a low rumble of controlled rage.
“Nothing,” said Toran, taking a cautious step backwards.
“You opened the box, didn’t you?” the large eyes narrowed as she tried to cut through his very soul with her glare.
“Yes, but not for long! And I know I was alone.”
“Did. You. Read. It.” Shiek spat the words like bullets.
“I, uh, don’t know what you’re talking about…” Toran replied, fidgeting nervously. Shiek’s hand shot out, grabbing a fistful of Toran’s tunic and pulling his face down next to hers.
“How much, Toran?” she asked, red eyes burning.
“Just the first few pages to see what it was!”
“That’s all?” Shiek let her voice take on a deceptively clam tone.
“Well, and the most recent entry, but that was it!”
“Oh, you are SO gonna die!”

Shiek’s hands shot out, connecting in a double heal punch to Toran’s chest. The young warrior staggered back a few paces, feet slipping out from under him. He collapsed into the pile of hay, sprawled on his back. Still seeing red, Shiek leapt on him. She sat down on his stomach, legs straddling him. Her fists clenched the cloth at Toran’s shoulders, and shook him violently a few times. Toran’s arms shot out in response, grabbing Shiek at the waist in an attempt to stop her from rattling him senseless. Shiek drew her hand back for a punch to Toran’s chest, but felt the young swordsman react quicker. His hand left her side to grab the wrist of the hand ready to strike and pulled it towards him. At the same time he pulled harder at her waist with his other arm, pulling Shiek tighter against him and effectively cutting off her ability to strike at him. Shiek knew she had just been immobilized, and her red eyes burned down into Toran’s. His boyish face had a smirk pulling at his, and there was a strange sparkle in his hazel eyes.
“I certainly hope this Link isn’t expecting a warrior princess when he finally gets around to waking up…”
“Ok, that’s it!” she cried, clamping down with her knees as tightly as possible. She felt Toran loose his breath in a gasp, but he was able to actually tighten his grip around her.

“Well, sorry to interrupt this, but I thought I asked you to take off the dress first…”
“Malon!” Shiek gasped, quickly rolling off Toran, who had released his hold on her at the same time, “how long have you been there?”
“Oh, I just came in… but it didn’t take more then a glance to see what’s going on, Shiek.” Malon giggled, setting down the jug she had carried in, “here’s some milk when you’re finished.”
“Um, it’s not really what it looks like,” Toran said, pushing himself onto his elbows.
“Of course it’s not,” laughed Malon, “and now I will let you guys get back to it…” she breezed out the door.

“Oh, for the love of Narue…” groaned Shiek falling back on the hay.
“Look, Shiek, sorry about the journal…”
She looked up and saw him still propped up on his elbows looking at her, real sorrow in his eyes.
“Yeah, well, I’m not entirely sure I forgive you… but sorry about jumping you. That wasn’t the best thing to do.”
“Well, I’m sure you’d never hurt me too much… even if I’m not Link.” Shiek picked up a hint of bitterness in the last part.
“Um, Toran, about Link… I hope you know that it’s not like I don’t like you or anything thing-”
“Whatever Shiek… look, we are both exhausted. Let’s get some sleep and clear things up in the morning.”

She watched him sink back into the hay, and it wasn’t long before his breathing became slower and steady. Sighing she fell back into the hay. Was fervently hoped tomorrow would be a better day. After the death of Draq, Scela, the treason of Keef, and the discovery of our cave, there’s no way it could be worse right? She thought. It made sense, so she couldn’t understand why there was a feeling that the real disaster hadn’t happened yet hanging in her mind.


Blogger Leeann said...

This is a very good post, obviously I really liked the exploration of Sheik’s feminine side, as that’s something I had been thinking of myself. Drawing in the “princess” reference was pretty good too, you can just tell Shiek is dying inside, and probably wondering what Toran is thinking about the whole thing. And then we more or less find out.
I’m wondering about Malon. There’s a lot of implication that she is quite… someone whose insecurity has caused her to “play the field” in every sense. Yet she seems too innately good in her interactions with Sheik to be like that with other people. Malon’s sort of personality tends to take on other women as either a challenge or a project, rarely a real friend. Now this could be one of those rare situations, but what do they have in common, save Draq (who’s now dead) or their mutual insecurity? Sheik has zero reason to like Malon, and Malon has no reason to invest in Sheik, especially now that she “killed Draq.”
And on that note, I know I said this already and we covered this, but Malon recovered too quickly.
Oh – and we don’t know what the color of the dress is, and I want to know!!!
LOVED the Toran Shiek fight. If it was me, I probably would’ve written their one and only kiss into that, but it wasn’t me writing it, so there ya go. I think that would’ve been the only opportunity where that could’ve been okay.
The end is very ominous. I maintain my stance that Toran is gonna die or get together with Malon and both options are very depressing.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I repent in sack cloth and ashes…sorry it has taken so long to actually provide written comments on your writings, but since I keep on staying up late to talk to this wonderful guy I know it doesn’t leave me much time to actually do much else. *smirk* Not that I don’t want to comment, I just enjoying talking on the phone better.

I know Lee keeps saying this too, but you are doing a great job of accurately portraying the thoughts and actions of girls. Your writing is also very creative and keeps me interested. Though, you are able to capture “the way of girls” pretty well, there is a portion in this section that is not quite accurate. When Malon is doing Shiek’s hair you said they began to chat about hair, nails and dresses, etc. For one thing this is very high-schoolish and I think both of these two are more “mature” then to talk of such things in the way you implied. It also does not flow with Shiek’s character. She has spent the last 7 years denying the fact she is a girl and the years before that she seemed not to really like the “girlish” practices. So it seems quite out of place they would talk of such things. Both Lee and I did not think this really flowed with the age of both Sheik and Malon and especially with the character of Shiek.

Lee and I were talking about the characters of Malon and Shiek and how they approach life. Lee was wondering why Malon and Shiek get a long so well since they seem so different and I was thinking the reason might be because they both actually have the same base approach to life – they just express it in different extremes. They both are afraid of who they are and are trying to counter fear. Shiek is afraid of being a girl because that could prove fatal if people knew who she really was. She also feels the necessity to take on a more boyish approach to life because she feels as though she is the protector of what is around her.

Malon on the other hand, is afraid of not being liked by those around her. I am not sure why, but in order to counter that she has taken the approach of “insuring” men at least like her by flirting with them. Shiek is trying to deny her natural “girl” tendencies because she is afraid of what they might do. Malon embraces her female qualities to such an extent because she is afraid of not being loved. Both are afraid of where they are – they are just taking different extremes to prevent what they feel is inevitable.

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW - forgot to mention, but this section was very funny. I should remember not to read it as I am at work. *smirk*

5:01 PM  

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