Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Seven Years, part nine

Sorry this took so long, but I wasn't able to get at the school computers I use to upload my story... here it is though, and part 9.5 will be up within the week if all goes well... enjoy and write comments (PS lots more here then what anyone who might have seen my computer last weekend would have seen)

Toran whistled happily as he trudged along. He liked to make a show of complaining about things, but in reality he was the most carefree member of the group. He knew his little act of complaining fooled all of no one, least of all Shiek

Ahhh, Shiek…

Toran smiled contentedly and slashed his katana out at some long grass. He had been giving it some thought on the walk to the village, and had quickly realized that he and Shiek were perfect for each other. He had even made a list:

1) I’m a fighter, Shiek’s a fighter
2) I like her tough, spunky, persona
3) She respects me enough to give me important jobs on the team
4) She’s the best looking woman ever born
5) I overheard her tell Scela that she thinks I’m cute
6) We both-
“Well, well, well… what’s Shiek’s lackey doing in town?”

The sneering question jarred Toran out of his contemplations and back to Hyrule Plains. He was just out side the entrance to the village, and standing in front of the door was Keef, last son of the Shiekah.

He stood a little taller then Toran, but slightly shorter then Draq, and dressed in Shiekah clothing, much like Shiek’s common dress, except it was primarily black and red in coloring. His hair was black and rather wispy, and it fell in a mess all over forehead, unlike Shiek he rarely wore a hat. Toran had only ever met three Shiekah, which, he had been told, were the only three Shiekah still alive. The three members of the race had all hit him differently. Shiek as a spunky, sweet, if not somewhat bossy, teenager. He liked her. Impa was not-so-sweet, bossy, but understanding adult somewhere in her late thirties. He respected her. Keef was not-sweet-at-all, arrogant, self-important, punk about Draq’s age. Toran hated him.

Toran tried to brush by Keef, ignoring the comment.
“Shouldn’t you be out propagating your race or something?” Toran dug as he tried to get by Keef. Keef maneuvered around, keeping himself between Toran and the village entrance.
“Guess I should be… Din knows Shiek’s not doing his part… Living off with three guys? What is he, gay or something?”
“Look Keef,” Toran said through gritted teeth, “I’m kind of busy…”
“Doing what?” Keef crossed his arms and grinned wryly down at him. Keef might be as tall as Draq, though he was nowhere as thick, and Toran had a tendency to dislike people who lorded their height advantage over him.
“None of your business, Keef…”
“Hey! I’m a Shiekah! I have just as much to do with the resistance as Shiek, and much more then you…”
Toran glowered, clinching his hands.
“Look, Keef, I really have some important stuff to do…”
“Well, as guardian of the village, I demand to know why you want in before you can pass,” Keef said, beginning to subtly crouch into a fighting stance.

Toran would have given anything to end their on-going feud then and there, but something inside him said Shiek would disapprove of a team-member killing off the last Shiekah male.
“I’m just running a letter to Migrid in the village,” he said, staring levelly at Keef. The Shiekah glared back, his violet eyes narrowing. After holding Toran’s gaze for a moment, Keef smirked and turned away. Walking through the village gate, he shrugged.
“Fine… I guess that’s worth letting you in for,” he shot over his shoulder as he left.

Toran relaxed a bit as he watched Keef’s retreat. It’s amazing how little Shiek looks like him. They kind of have the same eyes, but that’s about it. Keef really looks a lot more like Impa. Come to think of it, Shiek doesn’t really look like Impa either…

By this time Toran had made it up the hill to Impa’s old house. It was called “Impa’s House,” but to the best of Toran’s knowledge Impa had never actually lived there. She mainly used it as a base of operations, and loaned it to the resistance workers when they needed it. The village was too hot a spot to hold up permanently in though, which was why most of the resistance operated out of the seclusion of Hyrule Plains, or Death Mountain among the Gordons. In fact, only two resistance members remained in the village; Keef, who had the job of keeping “peace” in the small town, and Migrid, the crow-looking hag who was the actual head of the resistance. Toran had always wondered a bit why Migrid lead the resistance. Impa was a much more obvious choice for the position, and it could not be denied that the Shiekah elder loved Hyrule. But Impa seemed to hold a natural skepticism about the resistance, and was generally gone for weeks at a time on strange, secretive missions that seemed to serve no purpose that Toran could see. In his mind, Impa put a little too much stock in the Hero legends. Pushing open the door, Toran entered the house.

The inside of Impa’s House always smelled odd, no doubt due to the odd assortment of things going on inside. It served as a home for refugees, a store house, a make-shift medical center, Migrid’s headquarters, and even held a stall that housed a milk-cow. Toran had realized long ago that Impa’s House was as versatile and mysterious as its dark owner. However, today it seemed as though the long, narrow, one-roomed house was operating solely as Migrid’s command center.

Walking up to the table where Migrid was pouring over and written documents, Toran announced his presence by clearing his throat.
“Hello, Shiek wanted me to-”
Migrid held out a boney hand without waiting for him to finish.
“I assume she sent me a report of her findings in the Spirit Temple… hand it over boy…”
Toran placed the letter in her hand. Opening it, Migrid quickly scanned the continence, lips pursing. Setting it aside the hag returned to the maps and reports in front of her.
“I’ll need to give your leader’s letter some more thought, but don’t have time right now… you can go, but please don’t wander too far off as I will need you to take a message after I have looked over Shiek’s report,” she smiled up at Toran with a toothless grin that might have been scary if not so obviously friendly. Toran smiled and nodded before turning to walk out the door.

Toran stood on the hill and looked over the village. He had no idea how long Migrid would take with her response, and was wondering how he would spend the time till she got to it. He had no desire to squander his money at the village gaming halls, so he decided to just walk around the town for a bit.
Wonder what Shiek and Draq are doing… goofing off somewhere most likely… I really hate been reliable sometimes.
Wandering down the hill towards the village well, Toran started whistling a jaunty tune. He was still in a good mood, despite Keef’s boneheaded arrogance, and was just wondering if he would have time for a quick trip up Death Mountain when he heard someone call his name. He turned and saw Fiona sprinting to catch up with him. Fiona was a pretty woman who raised chickens in the village. Her father was a renowned, if not somewhat over demanding, carpenter and it was widely rumored that she got her red hair and good looks from a Greudo mother. She was about seven years older then Toran or Shiek, but she had always treated them as friends. He had gathered that she and Draq had a bit of a fling many years ago, but apparently it had flopped and the two never spoke anymore.

“Fiona! What’s up?” Toran asked. She looked way too happy.
Maybe she finally got a boyfriend, he thought as he watched her clasp her hands and bob excitedly.
“I’ve bred a new form of chicken that I’m not allergic to!” Fiona nearly swooned, a look of absolute rapture on her face.
Goddess… this woman has SERIOUS issues…
“That’s wonderful Fiona. How long have you been working on this?”
“Oh, awhile now, I’m not really sure… but now I’m so happy! These new chickens are so cute!” she let a squeal of pleasure.
How in the name of Narue did her and Draq ever think they’d work out?

Toran talked with Fiona for several hours. As their conversation hit a lull, Toran noticed the sun was going down, and the evening was starting to get cool.
“You going to be in town all night?” asked Fiona, noticing Toran’s distracted glance at the sky.
“Um, not sure yet,” he replied, hoping to avoid details. Fiona had no idea what he and Shiek actually did, and he preferred to keep it that way. She was nice enough, but ran her mouth constantly and had a rather stunted view of secrecy.
“Well, if you do stick around feel free to stay in our house. Father and his team are out working on the Greudo Valley bridge, so there’s an extra bed for you.”
“Thanks Fiona, I’ll probably take you up on that…”

Toran excused himself and returned to Impa’s House. If Migrid wasn’t done with her response by now then it would be too late to run the message tonight. He pushed open the door and was greeted by the sight of Keef in front of Migrid’s desk, discussing something with the leader. Her tired old eyes turned towards the door, and at the sight of Toran swapped their disgusted look for a happy bright one.

“Look, hag, I’m not done yet…”

Migrid sighed, the tired look returning. She gestured for Toran to come in and returned her attention to the young Shiekah.
“All’s I’m saying is don’t go behind my back like that again,” Keef fumed, “remember, if you’re gonn’a try and pull this off you need me…”
“Yes, Keef,” Migrid sighed, “that’s one of MANY things I’m sure you’ll never let me forget.”
“Yeah, well, see that you don’t…” Keef whirled and stalked out, spitting in the general direction of Toran as he left.
“Not the nicest of people, is he?” Migrid smiled as Toran approached the desk.
“If you weren’t a lady I would relate what the team calls him.”
Migrid cackled hard at this, but shook her head.
“Like him or not, Keef’s right. He does a lot for us by keeping the roaming monsters out of town. And he IS one of the last Shiekah, though the way he goes I am sure there must be some half-Shiekah babies out there… though it’s doubtful even the mothers know of the Shiekah heritage. Keef doesn’t talk much to his conquests.”
Toran shrugged. He really didn’t care to dwell on Keef, or the women that he took advantage of.
“Buy I must say,” continued Migrid, “that young man Shiek restores my faith in the Shiekah people. He is such a fine person. Actually your team is remarkable, the best in the entire resistance.”
“Um, Migrid?”
“Oh yes, the response… I’m afraid it won’t be ready tonight. Come back first thing in the morning, ok?”
Toran nodded; he’d figured as much. Standing up, he shouldered his katana.
“Oh, and Toran?”
Turning back the young warrior raised an eyebrow.
“Steer clear of Keef tonight, ok?”
Toran nodded again. It was one request he was sure he would try to keep. But why the extra warning? Surly he wouldn’t try anything… I mean, we hate each other, but it’s not THAT bad… is it?

The night was clear, the moon shining brightly down on the village. Toran took a deep breath of the clean air, and walked towards Fiona’s house. He was in front of the old house of Skultulia when he felt a presence behind him. Whoever it was, they were trying to sneak in slowly. Acting calm and nonchalant, Toran took a few more steps, pretending like he was unaware of his pursuant. Pausing to act like he was stretching, he un-shouldered his katana, gripping it ready in his left hand. Subtly, his right hand drifted to the handle. He heard the soft footsteps near him, moving within his katana’s range. He whirled, blade ringing free of its sheath with a metallic zing. He pulled his arm upwards, striking for the neck straight from the draw. Then he saw who it was for the first time.

It wasn’t Keef.

It was Impa.

He stopped, blade actually touching the warrioress’ neck. Toran said a silent prayer of thanks to all three goddesses that his blade control was so good, and sheathed his sword in a fluid motion.
“Impa! Goddess, I almost Killed you. Why were you sneaking up on me like that?”
It was then he noticed Impa’s appearance. Her silver hair was disheveled, dried blood caked into it. There was more blood dried under her nose, and at the sides of her mouth, and her arms and legs were already showing signs of deep bruising.
“Impa! What happened to you!”
The Shiekah elder shook her head mutely, and took a staggering step closer. It looked like a giant hand had picked her up, squeezed her repeatedly, and flung her into a wall. Toran stepped in quickly, propping up Impa with his shoulder.
“Jethro,” she rasped into his ear, “take me to Jethro.”
Nodding, Toran helped the warrior take a step towards the door of the house of Skultulia.

Jethro Skultulia was an interesting person. Shiek had lived with him for nearly five years after she arrived in the village. Toran had found out from an overheard conversation between Shiek and Impa that Jethro was undoubtedly the richest man in Hyrule, and probably the entire world. You could have never guessed it from the way he lived though, in his small one room house with his five children. Of course, that probably had more to do with the curse then any wish to live modestly that Jethro might have had. Any one who had carried on half a conversation with Jethro knew about the curse. He couldn’t go on for two sentences without bemoaning the fact. The curse had been placed on the Skultulia family as a punishment for greed and to teach humility. Maybe been the richest man alive wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

The inside of the house was as creepy as ever; no lights and cobwebs as the only decorations. Impa made a strange gurgling sound, and Toran helped her sit, propping her against the brick wall. Turning, he called up to the ceiling of the dark room.
“Jethro, um, I mean Mr. Skultulia, we have a problem here.”
Then came the strange rasping sound that always made the hair on Toran neck stand up. It sounded just like the giant spiders that lurked in Hyrule. As Jethro lowered himself from the ceiling he sighed, his voice almost at a whining level.
“Of course we have a problem… I’m cursed.”
As if you actually have to say that, man… I mean, most people kind of realize that when they see you… Toran thought, desperately trying to hold back on the shiver of disgust that always shot through him when he saw Jethro. Been half spider and half man was not a good way to win beauty pageants. Mournful eyes stared out at him from the spider-like body, as eight large and many jointed legs waved in the air.
“Things are getting better though, as you can see… two of my children have been freed of the awful curse. An adventurous youth named Link is slowly breaking it. Soon we-”
“Mr. Skultulia, I hate to interrupt, but I have Impa here and she’s looking pretty bad…”
“Oh?” Jethro dropped to the floor and scurried over to where Impa sat. When he caught a look at her, a gasp of horror escaped from him.
“Oh, by my curse! How did this happen?”
“I resealed Bonga Bonga in the well, but he took it to me first,” Impa rasped. She coughed, and the hand came away bloody from her mouth.
“You followed that dark phantom of evil into the Shadow Temple and lived? I would not have thought it possible!”
“I wasn’t able to fully banish him. Once Gannondorf realize the spirit is restrained he will easily break my seal. Jethro, you are the Shadow Sage. Your power in these matters will be greater then mine. I need you to add your strength to the barrier. Maybe then the vile mage will not-” Impa fell into another fit coughing, her face contorting with the immense pain each wracking cough sent her through.
“I will go now. Do not move Impa. You wounds are serious and need immediate medical attention.”
With that, Jethro scurried out the door.

Impa closed her eyes and groaned slightly. Her head leaned back against the wall, pain etched plainly on her features. Toran stood nearby, hands dangling helplessly at his sides. He had no idea how to help, and was actually still reeling from seen Impa like this. He had met her as a child, and she had always seemed so tall, strong, and powerful, almost invincible. Even as he had grown up, the dark Shiekah had retained her ‘all-powerful’ image; she had been like a giant among insects. Seeing her hurt like this was like watching a Goddess die. Bending down, so she would have less strain on her talking, Toran gently took one of her hands.
“Impa, what in heaven’s name did this to you?”
“What in hell’s is more like it,” she murmured, giving a strange wheezing noise that sounded like it could have been an attempt at laughter, “It was the dark phantom Bonga Bonga. Gannondorf broke the seal that the Shiekah people had long used to keep it at bay, and I had to fight it. It was too much for me, but I was able to reestablish the seal. I was barely able to drag myself out of the Shadow Temple after completing the seal, and was about to die at its door when I felt something… and that’s why I had to get back. I pulled on my last reserves of strength to get here and tell anyone that Shiek is in terrible danger!”
Toran started, eyes growing wide.
“What! What kind of danger!”
The bloodied head shook.
“I am not sure… I only know that felt something inside of me scream out for help. Shiek and I have always had a special bond, somehow knowing when the other was in danger, but it is always vague. Please, go now Toran… find her, protect her… something is very wrong!”
The thought that he was supposed to be waiting for Migrid’s response flashed across his mind, and out just as quickly. Jumping up, he looked down at Impa, raising a hand to still her.
“Don’t worry, Impa, I’ll find her. Now rest…”
Whirling the young warrior darted out the door. If anyone had dared to hurt Shiek there was going to be blood, even it was Gannondorf himself.

Toran ran flat out until he was out of the village. Slowing to a quick, steady jog, Toran struck out in the direction of the cave. He had no idea where Shiek might be, but figured that if she wasn’t at the cave there might be some indication there of where she had gone.
Where could she be? I thought Draq was with her, what could possibly be wrong? he wondered as he trudged onward. He only knew one thing for sure: he wouldn’t have any trouble staying awake tonight; worry would take care of that…


Blogger Leeann said...

Nice section. The thing that stands out to me the most is that while not everyone may be allies, everyone we've met (just about) is connected somehow. Fiona, the Shiekah (and apparent Shiekah... I like the whole side thoughts of "wait a minute, Shiek doesn't look like either of them..." but it doesn't come to a conclusion, like he's so close to something and then it just dies. It's quite funny and true to life), and the rest of the resistance. The thing is, a lot of the connections are fuzzy, and it arouses a lot of questions and keeps you wanting to read more for the answers (since I know I won’t be able to extract them from you). Good to know Toran will be there to save the day. I like him a lot. Makes me wish I knew him…

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Concerning the Shiekah race – if there are only three left how are they all related? What have I missed as far as how Keef, Impa and Shiek are connected as far as blood wise. If they are of the same race and are the only three left it seems as though they should be very closely related, but I don’t know how they are related. As far as writing style goes – I liked your sequence of Toran describing his reactions to the three last “Shiekah”. Continuing with the races, why was it so important to Keef to propagate the races? I am also kinda confused as to how long Shiek has had to keep her identity a secret. Has this been going on since she was a baby? If so, how did she have the ability to use her power to disguise her identity of being a girl when she was so young or was Impa able to take on that responsibility for her? Oh wait….I was re-reading some of what I previously read and was remembering that Shiek is Hyrulian and thus is not part of the same race as Impa and Keef…but I still have the question as to how Shiek kept her identity secret when she was a baby. I am also more confused as to the whole emphases on races. Is it a lot like how we use to be with the aristocracy and all that? Is Keef a spy? Just a thought that was flitting through my head. If he isn’t a spy – I think this story needs a good spy.

By-the-by, Fiona is odd. This whole chicken thing…yeah…odd. Though it did make me laugh, so don’t change it.

11:20 PM  
Blogger Czar said...

If all Anglos in the world except one in England, one in South Africa, and one in east India died, would you assume they were all related? Um, not really... Ergo, The three last Shiekah don't really have to be related. And in fact, they are not. Moreover, Shiek, as has been mentioned over and over, is not really a Shiekah. Well, that hasn't been EXPLICTLY stated, but it has been stated that she is Princess Zelda, and Princess Zelda is obviously Hylian.

The Shiek race had dedicated itself to the protection of the Hylian royal family, ergo, when Gannondorf killed all the royalty he also wiped most of the Shiekah. That, in short, is a summery of th history of the Shiekah race and why Impa and Keef don't have to be related. Maybe they are distantly related... maybe not..... doesn't really matter... Shiek isn't related to any of them.

Zelda has only been in a Shiek disguise for about seven years... not so ironically, this is the amount of time she has spent running from Gannondorf. For those of you who cannot put two and two togather, don't worry, it is spelled out quite nicely for you in a upcoming entry.


2:31 AM  
Blogger Czar said...


Sarah, it's Hylian, not Hyrulian... just FYI. And races are very important in Hyrule, some like the Shiekah (or Greudo) race have a certain history and task (ie protecting the royal family) while others just because of their obvious phsycal differance (like the Zora fish-men and the Gordon ummm rock?-men) The races are all viewed as equal though, even if they have certain jobs only they do.


2:42 AM  
Blogger Leeann said...

I mislead Sarah - I thought it was Hyrulian for some reason and she listened to me, so that was my bad. I'm a moron :-P

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it has only been in the last seven years that she has hidden her identity, then why don't people ask where she is when she is a "guy"?

11:04 PM  
Blogger Czar said...

Who said they don't? Princess Zelda has a mystiqu similar to Princess Anistasia, (Dr. Sanders' now has a heart attack). Everyone says she sin't DEAD, but nobody has really seen her in seven years (well, in the same way no one has seen Elvis in awhile... I see the headlines now "Hyrule Weekly World News: Man sees Princess Zelda in Bombacheu Shop! Exclusive Photos and Interview inside!") 'Sensable' people assume Zelda is dead along with her father and the rest of the Hylian royal family (take THAT sensable epople! The rest of us are right for once!)

For his part Gannondorf knows Zelda is alive, and it annoys the snot out of him. Plus, he has reason to believe she has something he wants... wants very, very badly... duh duh dun!

12:56 PM  

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